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The Voice of Elijah®, October 2017

Excerpt From Newsletter

Martin Luther did not realize he was stirring up a virtual hornet’s nest when he wrote his Ninety-five Theses and sent them off to his superior, thinking the Pope and the archbishop were not privy to the nonsense being preached in the local churches; but he was definitely aware of their shenanigans by the time the Pretenders in charge of the Roman Catholic Church excommunicated him in 1521. So much for ears to hear on the part of fools who were headed for Hell in a handbasket of their own making. But history certainly has a way of repeating itself, so it should come as no surprise to you that the same thing is coming down here at the End. The Liar is not going to allow his devotees to give up without a fight; but the Truth is, the only thing he has available to him are the lies he has been foisting off on the Church for centuries—and the dimwitted dullards who want to continue to believe them. So you should not expect the Truth I am explaining to be accepted by all that many—just “The Many,” if you know what I mean.

What Martin Luther knew—and the Pretenders in the Roman Catholic Church at that time refused to believe—was exactly the same thing that True Believers are going to understand here at the End: Salvation is by faith. But that is faith in the sense of what you believe, not faith in the sense of that you believe. Face the facts: Everybody believes something about God, but only those who believe the Truth in that regard are going to be saved. Believing a lie will get you nothing but one hell of an eternity of suffering for your unwillingness to apologize to a very angry God.

Luther’s naïveté prevented him from seeing that Church leaders and the laymen whose ears they are scratching have a vested interest in believing any lie that tells them they have nothing to fear because they already have a ticket to Heaven. As a result of his naïveté, Luther could not see that some folks have no interest at all in the Truth; their only interest is using religion to make themselves feel comfortable believing a lie.

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

The Truth is Available

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