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“The Law” of This, “The Law” of That, So Much “law” One Can’t Keep Track

The Voice of Elijah®, April 2001

Excerpt From Newsletter

Paul explains that since Abraham never wavered in his belief in the promise, he thereby came to be the father of all who believe by handing down the promise that True Believers have all come to believe. Paul then explains how we have attained reconciliation with God through our belief in the Truth of The Teaching. In so doing, he frequently refers to “the sin,” “the death,” “the gift,” and “the favor.” I told you that “the sin” he has in mind is Adam’s rejection of the Truth that he understood; “the death” is the ignorance of the Truth that came about as a result of Adam’s sin; “the gift” is God’s provision of the Truth; and “the favor” is God’s willingness to freely forgive the transgressions of anyone who believes the Truth.

After Paul has explained how Jesus Christ freed us from “the curse” that God imposed because of “the sin” of Adam (Adam’s rejection of the Truth), he introduces the parabolic image in which “life”—that is, knowledge of the Truth of The Teaching—is the opposite of “the death,” which is mankind’s ignorance of the Truth of The Teaching. He then begins to speak in terms of the parabolic imagery that the Prophets used to describe what one’s knowledge of the Truth is like.

In Romans 6:1–4, Paul alludes to some of the parabolic imagery I explained in The Passover Parable (see Order Form). However, he is doing much more than just using the same parabolic imagery that Moses and the Prophets used to talk about “the death.” He is explaining how that parabolic imagery describes the reality in which all those who are ignorant of the Truth of The Teaching now live. His point is, those of us who know the Truth no longer share that experience.

“‘The Law’ of This, ‘The Law’ of That, So Much ‘law’ One Can’t Keep Track,” The Voice of Elijah®, April 2001, p. 2

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

The Truth is Available

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