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Here Is One of the Keys to the Kingdom: “That’s Not Me!”

The Voice of Elijah®, April 2017

Excerpt From Newsletter

When Jesus told His disciples that they must remain in Him in order to “bear” “fruit,” He was referring to Himself as the Truth—“The Light”—of The Teaching that He believed. That is the same “Light” that Paul mentions in this passage:

1[For] [This Reason], [just as] [we were shown mercy], [we [who have] [This] [Service] do [not] get discouraged]. 2[But] [we have renounced] [The] [Secrets] [of our] [Shame]—[not] [walking] [in] [Dishonesty] [nor] [counterfeiting] [The] [Word] [of The] [{Living} God], [but] [commending] [ourselves] [to] [every] [Man’s] [Conscience] [in the sight of] [The] [{Living} God] [by our] [Disclosure] [of The] [Truth]. 3[So] [even] [if] [The] [Good News of the Fulfillment of the Promise] [we have] [is] [covered], [it is] [covered] [in] [those who] [are being done away with]—4[those [in] whom] [The] [God] [of] [This] [Current Age] [has blinded] [The] [Thoughts] [of] [Those Who Do Not Believe God’s Promise] [so] [that] [{they} can [not] distinctly see] [The] [Illumination] [of The] [Good News of the Fulfillment of the Promise] [of The] [Glory] [of The] [Anointed One], [Who] [is] [{the} Image] [of The] [{Living} God]. 5[For] [we do [not] preach] [ourselves] [but] [His Majesty], [Jesus], [The Anointed One], [then] [ourselves] [as [your] Slaves] [for] [Jesus]. 6[Because] [The] [{Living} God], [Who] [said], “[A Light] [will shine] [out] [of Darkness],” {is} [the One Who] [has shone] [in] [our] [Hearts] [with] [an Illumination] [of The] [Knowledge] [of The] [Glory] [of The] [{Living} God] [in] [{the} Face] [of Jesus], [The Anointed One]. 7[But] [we have] [This] [Treasure] [in] [Containers] [made of clay] [so that] [The [extraordinary] Thing] [about The] [Supernatural Power] [is] [The] [{Living} God’s] [and] [not] [from] [us].
(2 Corinthians 4:1–7) —my interim translation

I have explained these things because God requires every True Believer to triumph over the “winds” that “blow” through the minds of men. In the January 2017 issue of The Voice of Elijah® newsletter, I briefly explained how to defeat the “winds” that “blow” at you as they seek to shape you in their image and likeness. Now I am going to tell you how to overcome the training they have instilled in the “old man” so that the Lord can shape you into His image and likeness in the “new man.”

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

The Truth is Available

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