Excerpt From Newsletter
You should already know how much I hate lies from what I have written over the years. That includes the disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda spewed by the Communists (not “socialists”) among us. But you also need to know I have just about as much disdain for the Capitalists whose only concern is the next million or billion they can add to their bank account with no concern at all for how they get it. I am not in favor of either ideology simply because my interest in the affairs of this world is not in anything other than the protection that the Constitution of the United States provides those of us who have found haven in its guarantee of freedom of speech and religion. Believe me, those rights will never exist in any country where the Communists gain one-party rule. So I tend to favor the Capitalist ideology over that of the Communists.
The track record of the Communists is one in which the fate of those who disagree with their ideology has long since been determined. Under the rule of Joseph Stalin from 1923 to 1954, more than one hundred million Soviet dissidents were exterminated—not “re-educated,” not imprisoned, just exterminated. Poof! and they were gone—forever. I wonder how the buffoon Karl Marx would compare the loss of an entire life with a factory worker’s life of oppression.
What do you suppose Engels would say about the millions who lost their lives in China during the regime of their dearly beloved comrade Chairman Mao Zedong? Some stupid folks want to rehabilitate his legacy by low-balling the figure, but the Truth appears to be that somewhere between forty and forty-five million Chinese died as a result of the Marxist nonsense he believed. Others say as many as seventy million died, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
I could go on to talk about Pol Pot in Cambodia (two million dead) and Ho Chi Minh in North Vietnam (another million), but you get the idea; there is a very definite trend with the Communists: If you disagree with their ideology, you not only lose your freedom; you end up losing your life. So if you have felt the hatred expressed by the numbskulls among us who are completely caught up in the Communist ideology today, just be thankful you haven’t yet paid the price they will impose if they ever get the chance.
“Wanna Hear another Whopper the Liar Came Up With? (I’m Certain You Won’t Believe It!),” The Voice of Elijah®, January 2019, pp. 27–28
Newsletter Details
Contribution of | $6.00 |
Pages | 20 |
Author | Larry Dee Harper |
Language | English |
The Truth is Available
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