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In One “Way” or the Other, God Is Going to “Light You Up”

The Voice of Elijah®, October 2019

Excerpt From Newsletter

Satan has made a concerted effort to represent what I teach as “replacement theology.” The Truth is, I have never, and will never, claim the Church somehow replaced Corporate Israel as the covenant People of God. That is not what happened. After Jeremiah and Ezekiel told Corporate Israel that God planned to make a New Covenant with the individual members of Corporate Israel, Corporate Israel continued on as it had previously; but Jesus Christ became Corporate Israel when John the Baptist offered the individual members of Corporate Israel a New Covenant relationship to God and they were “cut off from” Corporate Israel. But to understand how that happened, you need to be aware of the things I explained in Not All Israel Is Israel. I summarized those things this way:

4. Under the terms of The Law of Moses, an individual member of Corporate Israel could be “cut off from” Corporate Israel. Various parts of that law demanded that ultimate punishment. If the sons of Israel were aware that someone had violated one of those, they were expected to execute the individual and thereby erase his name from Israel. Even if they did not do that, God would “cut him off from” Corporate Israel. That is, He would erase the individual’s name from the census book of Israel that He maintained. For that reason God alone knew who had been “cut off from” Corporate Israel, and no one else had the right to say anyone was still a member of Corporate Israel. I have already explained these things in Not All Israel Is Israel.

The Truth is, Jesus Christ did not replace Corporate Israel, the Jews lost their position in Corporate Israel when God “cut” them “off from” it just as John the Baptist told them He was already in the process of doing.

“In One ‘Way’ or the Other, God Is Going to ‘Light You Up,’” The Voice of Elijah®, October 2019, pp. 10–11

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

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