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Wanna Hear a Whopper You Undoubtedly Won’t Believe?

The Voice of Elijah®, April 2022

Excerpt From Newsletter

Most folks who were alive at the time of the tragedy that unfolded at Jonestown still believe Jim Jones was the leader of the most sinister religious cult the world has ever seen. That is actually the case, but not “religious” in the way most people are thinking. They are thinking “Christian.” The Truth is, Jones and his followers were just a fringe element in the most insidious religious cult the world has ever known—Communism.

Before I have finished presenting the evidence, the Truth should be fairly obvious to anyone but a knucklehead: Communism is nothing but an idealistic religious cult in which fanaticism and intransigence routinely lead to the death of its adherents, dissidents, and innocent bystanders. That religious cult has been flying under the radar for more than a century now, and it has already killed an astronomical number of people. A whole lot more killing is on the way; but before I explain what I mean by that, let me give you a rundown of the history of Jim Jones and Jonestown. Should you have any doubt that what I am telling you is true after reading what I have written, check the sources I cite.

Let’s start with the confession of the fellow who knew an idealistic Communist best—Jim Jones himself. He dictated his Communist “confession” a year or so before the massacre. I just listened to the tape the FBI confiscated and cleaned up most of the fits and starts to make the text more readable.

“Wanna Hear a Whopper You Undoubtedly Won’t Believe?” The Voice of Elijah®, April 2022, pp. 5–6

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

The Truth is Available

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