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Consider This: What You Think You Think Is Not Always What You Think

The Voice of Elijah®, October 2020

Excerpt From Newsletter

First, I need to show you what the Apostle John says about “The Word”:

1In the beginning, there was the Word; and the Word was with the {living} God, and the Word was God. 2This Individual was with the {living} God in the beginning. 3Everything has come into being via Him, and not even one thing that has come into being has come into being apart from Him. 4Life was in Him, and His life was the Light of men. 5So the Light appears in the darkness, yet the darkness has never grasped it.
(John 1:1–5) —HSSB

It should be abundantly apparent to even a mindless moron that John had something definite in mind when he wrote that statement, but what is not so apparent is what it was. So let’s start with the fact that you are what you choose to believe. Then we move on to consider the same thing applies to God, He is what He chooses to believe. The primary difference between what we choose to believe and what the Lord chooses to believe is actually quite easy to understand; what He chooses to believe is the absolute Truth that He is, while we tend to prefer to believe any lie that will allow us the “freedom” to do whatever we want to do.

Don’t get off into the weeds here; just keep in mind the simple fact that God is the Truth He chooses to believe, and He has revealed a small part of Who He is by what He has said in the Scriptures. The Truth in that regard should not need further confirmation, but I will provide it, just in case some nascent Neanderthal may have somehow found his or her way into this article.

In the same way that we reveal a small part of who we are by what we say, the same applies to God. He has revealed Who He is through the things the Prophets and Apostles have stated in the Scriptures. That is an incredibly important insight, so make note of it. We do not reveal the totality of who we are by what we say; but if we “give our word” to someone and do not do what we promised we would do, they can come to know all they need to know about us rather quickly: That is, they can easily determine we are not trustworthy. The very same thing applies to God. And therein lies the essence of what the Prophets and Apostles had in mind when they talk about “The Word” of God; His “Word” is the promise that He made to Adam and Eve right before He booted them out of the Garden. That is, He “gave them His Word” that they and their descendants could come back into the Garden if they chose to believe the promise.

“Questions & Answers,” The Voice of Elijah®, October 2020, p. 18

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

The Truth is Available

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