Excerpt From Newsletter
Did you see what John Calvin said in that final paragraph? He said nobody knows who will and will not be saved. That is, he said we do not know who is and is not a member of the “predestinated.” Check it out. This is what he said:
“Because we know not who belongs to the number of the
predestinated, or does not belong, our desire ought to be that all may be saved; and hence every
person we meet, we will desire to be with us a partaker of
(John Calvin,
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
1989, Book III, Chapter XXIII, p. 238.)
So now that you have heard it directly from the man himself, what do you think? The very fellow that deluded folks today appeal to for their belief in the certainty of their salvation did not say what they claim he said. Not even close. In fact, he said exactly the opposite. But here’s the kicker: If you know anything at all about the time in which Calvin lived, you can easily understand why his only interest in the subject of predestination was to assert the sovereignty of God and the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. He did those two things very well, I might add. And I am right with him on both counts. God is the One Who provides everything needed for salvation and works it all out, all by Himself. No help needed on our part; He does it all by working in us and through us. But that is only because salvation is by belief alone. And just in case you were wondering, that is belief in the sense of what you believe, not belief in the sense of that you believe.
“Questions & Answers,” The Voice of Elijah®, July 2020, p. 28
Newsletter Details
Contribution of | $6.00 |
Pages | 20 |
Author | Larry Dee Harper |
Language | English |
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