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You Think This Is Bad? It’s Only Going to Get Worse!

The Voice of Elijah®, April 2020

Excerpt From Newsletter

43“[You must [not] make [your Souls] disgusting] [by any] [Abundantly Reproducing Thing] [that abundantly reproduces], [so you will [not] make yourselves unclean] [by them] [so that you become unclean] [by them], 44[because] [I am] [His Majesty] [your God]. [Make yourselves holy] [and be] [holy] [because] [I am] [holy]. [So you must [not] make [your Souls] unclean] [by any of] [The Abundantly Reproducing Thing] [that crawls] [on] [The Earth]. 45[Because] [I am] [His Majesty], [the One Who brought [you] up] [out of {the} Land] [of Egypt] [to become] [your] [God] [so that you would be] [holy] [because] [I am] [holy].”
(Leviticus 11:43–45) —my interim translation

That passage should remove all doubt as to the connection between holiness and uncleanness. Those two are polar opposites, but it also helps to know that anything that God had placed “under the ban” was holy, and it could only be appropriated for ordinary use under special circumstances. That is, it had to be redeemed: (Leviticus 27:1–34).

So I ask you again, what do you think the contagion of “uncleanness” that is related to eating, sexual intercourse, lying about something, and betraying someone’s trust has to do with the imposition of the death penalty for the misappropriation of something “under the ban”? More than that, what do you think the Lord had in mind when He connected all of those things to the parabolic pantomime (sacred ritual) of redeeming things that He owned? And why would He attach a greater redemption value to a man than a woman? I’ll give you another clue: You have to think in terms of the things that are redeemed as being “under the ban.” They belong to God. So if the parabolic pantomimes of The Teaching of Moses were intended to teach things God wanted the sons of Israel to remember, what do you think those might be? No worry, I am going to tell you. I am not going to present an argument, I am merely going to lay out The Teaching.

The Truth is, the topic under consideration is exactly the same topic I mentioned earlier—the one that relates to the “uncleanness” associated with sexual intercourse, childbirth, and menstruation. All of them have to do with the sin of Adam and Eve. That is, the sons of Israel were not to forget what happened when Eve sinned and enticed Adam into doing the same, all because she wanted to explore a bit of physical delight. Now that you know that, let me explain what the parabolic pantomimes (sacred rituals) were intended to teach.

“Questions & Answers,” The Voice of Elijah®, April 2020, pp. 26–28

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

The Truth is Available

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