Excerpt From Newsletter
I have already explained “The Way” God views our desperate situation here on Planet Earth: We are “living” (actually just existing) in the Realm of the Dead. When we showed up here at birth, our soul was dead and our body was in the process of dying. For most people, that is still the circumstance in which they exist. But for a certain select few—those who have been born again and still believe the things they believed when they were born again—their current circumstances are far different. Their body is dying, but their soul is alive and yearning to know yet more Truth. That’s why God called me to tell you the Truth, so let me get about the task to which I was called.
God’s purpose for those who have been born again is nothing less than creation in the very image and likeness of God Himself. That’s why we have been given the right to be called God’s “Children”: (John 1:1–13).
Our generation firmly believes Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeness of God; therefore, everyone is a Child of God. That is clearly not the case; if it were, there would be no reason for the New Testament to make a distinction between the “Children” of God and everyone else, as the Apostle Paul does on several occasions.
“Take a Test; Give the Wrong Response; Fail the Test,” The Voice of Elijah®, April 2021, p. 6
Newsletter Details
Contribution of | $6.00 |
Pages | 20 |
Author | Larry Dee Harper |
Language | English |
The Truth is Available
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