Excerpt From Newsletter
Here’s The Blessing of Moses: (Deuteronomy 33:1–29).
Now compare that blessing, The Blessing of Moses—who was the heir of the promise in his day—to the blessing that Jacob—who was the heir of the promise in his day—bestowed on his sons: (Genesis 49:1–33).
My point in showing you both the blessing of Moses and the blessing of Jacob is to make the point that both serve the same function. In both cases, the heir of the promise is handing down the promise to the next heir(s) of the promise. The difference is, Jacob divided up the promise and handed down various parts of the promise to his sons. Moses handed down the promise to the tribes of Corporate Israel, the heir of the promise. But he did so only after the people ratified yet a third covenant, one in which they became members of the Corporate entity rather than members of Moses:
14“[So [I] {am} [not] cutting] [This] [Legal Agreement] [and] [This] [Oath] [with you] [alone], 15(1) [because] {it is} [with] [him [who] is] [standing] [here] [with us] [Today] [before] [His Majesty], [our God], [and with] [him [who] is not] [here] [with us] [Today]; 16(2) [because] [you] [know] [that] [we dwelled] [in {the} Land] [of Egypt] [and] [that] [we passed through] [in the midst of] [The Gentiles] [that] [you passed through]; 17[and you saw] [their Disgusting Things] [and their Idols]—[Wood] [and Stone] [and Silver] [and Gold] [that] {they had} [with them]; 18(3) [so that [there is] no] [Man] [or] [Woman] [or] [Family] [or] [Branch] [whose] [Heart] [does an about face] [Today] [to walk] [away from] [His Majesty], [our God], [to work for] [{the} Gods of] [Those] [Gentiles]; (4) [so that [there is] no] [Root] [among you] [bearing [Poison] [and Wormwood] as fruit].”
(Deuteronomy 29:14–18) —my interim translation
“What’s the One Thing Every Heir of the Promise Has in Common?” The Voice of Elijah®, April 2019, pp. 8–11
Newsletter Details
Contribution of | $6.00 |
Pages | 20 |
Author | Larry Dee Harper |
Language | English |
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