Excerpt From Newsletter
If you are struggling in your “walk” with the Lord, it is most likely because you doubt the Truth or are believing a lie. The “winds” have blown a lie at you, and you believed it. As a consequence, you want something. So if you feel insecure or unsettled—off your center—you first need to give up the want, go to the Lord, admit whatever it is you need to admit, and get squared away. Then, if you ever intend to triumph over the “winds,” you have to keep in mind what the Apostle Paul says about being tested: (1 Corinthians 9:24–10:13).
Deep down within you, you always know the Truth regarding your situation. If you have chosen to believe a lie that allows you to do whatever you want to do, you know it. So don’t lie to yourself; don’t hide from the Truth. Hiding from the Truth and lying to yourself about why you do what you do is the worst thing you could possibly do. Once you start lying and hiding, Satan has you right where he wants you.
On some level you always know why you do what you do. If you say you don’t, you are lying to yourself because you don’t want to know. That’s why you rationalize. Rationalization makes it easier for you to do the wrong thing. If you keep rationalizing, it gets easier and easier to do the wrong thing until you are doing the wrong thing over and over again. But the converse is true as well; it gets easier to do the right thing when you accept the Truth and try to always do the right thing.
“You May Not Want to Pay the Piper, but You Will,” The Voice of Elijah®, October 2021, pp. 9–10
Newsletter Details
Contribution of | $6.00 |
Pages | 20 |
Author | Larry Dee Harper |
Language | English |
The Truth is Available
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