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Satan’s “House” Is Beginning to Collapse

The Voice of Elijah®, April 2023

Excerpt From Newsletter

To understand the Book of Revelation, the first thing one needs to know is this: It quotes from, or alludes to, the Old Testament repeatedly and assumes the reader already understands the meaning and significance of the passages quoted. For that reason, anyone who doesn’t understand the things I have explained in this newsletter over the past thirty-some-odd years automatically identifies themselves as a true-blue agent of Satan when they try to explain what John the Revelator tells us.

The second thing one needs to know to understand the message of the Book of Revelation is how the book is organized. Its structure is somewhat difficult to explain just because it was extremely difficult for John to describe what he saw in a “Way” his reader could easily understand. For that reason, he put it together in a sort of patchwork narrative where some things are placed after others when they are actually a more detailed account of something he stated previously. But he also put little “latches” in the text, and those “latches” allow the reader to “latch” the details in one account together with the details in the other accounts. When all the accounts have been integrated, the “big picture” of what John is describing comes to the forefront.

Here is a listing of the individual accounts and how John intends them to be “latched” together.

“Satan’s ‘House’ Is Beginning to Collapse,” The Voice of Elijah®, April 2023, p. 18

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

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