“The Lie” Is Easy to Recognize When You Know the Truth
This article presents an incendiary challenge to all born-again
Believers to take a hard look at the various versions of “The Lie”
that are being taught in the Church today. It specifically points
out the fact that the “goofy god of unconditional grace” is not
the God of the Bible. That God is the angry, jealous God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Forecast
The purpose of this column is to explain various weather-related
parabolic images that relate to the Last Days and the
Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The “forecast” in this edition
assures True Believers that knowledge, understanding, and wisdom
will protect them when the “storm” comes through.
Questions & Answers
The first answer responds to a question about the sacred marriage
ceremony. The second confirms the author expects to be falsely
accused of “anti-semitism” because he insists the Early Church
Fathers were right in claiming the Antichrist will be Jewish. A
third answer responds to a question concerning the Antichrist
pretending to be Jesus Christ. A fourth includes a complete
translation of, and commentary on, the Book of Malachi in response
to a reader who indignantly challenges the idea that anyone would
pay tithes to any organization other than a local church.