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O’ What a Lofty Perch This Is!

The Voice of Elijah®, January 2004

Excerpt From Newsletter

Did you see why Jesus said He spoke in parables? Probably not. That’s because God thinks in terms of some very specific parabolic imagery, and Satan doesn’t want you to know that, much less what that parabolic imagery is. If you did, you might actually be able to “see” and “hear” what the Prophets have said about “The Way” God thinks. Lacking that ability, you are most likely headed to Hell in the same handbasket as the spiritual descendants of the Pharisees who control the Church today. You know—the ones who want you to believe that God thinks the way they do. In this article, I’m going to explain the significance of one of the more radical parabolic images in “The Way” God thinks so that you can better assess what it might cost you should you decide to view things from God’s perspective. Pretenders will find the concepts I explain so completely offensive that most will stop reading along. But “The Many” who continue will have ample opportunity to see just how far removed God’s thoughts are from the thoughts of the “wicked” and “unrighteous” Pharisees perched in the pulpit today.

If you have difficulty accepting what I explain, you might want to take the opportunity to reconsider where you stand in your relationship to God. But I doubt you will because Satan controls people through the lies they believe. Once he has someone firmly believing one of his more important lies, he does his best to see that they get downright defensive about admitting the possibility that what they believe could ever be wrong.

If you want to know what beliefs Satan considers to be most crucial to his plan, all you have to do is watch the evening news. He is constantly reinforcing belief in his lies through current events. That is true not just here in the States. You can go anywhere in the world, and you will find Satan busily preparing the minds of the Wicked for his appearance in the person of the Antichrist. But he has a special reason for trying to retain absolute control over what religious folks here in the United States think.

“O’ What a Lofty Perch This Is!” The Voice of Elijah®, January 2004, p. 2

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

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