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7 Simple Steps to Salvation

Learn the Truth concerning the Gospel message and how to be born again.

7 Simple Steps to Salvation ($2.00 or Free Download)

This 64-page booklet explains the Gospel message of salvation as a simple step-by-step approach to what one must believe and do to be born again.



Excerpt From eBook

You see, Satan has played a shell game with this generation of “christians.” Think about this for a bit. Don’t you feel somewhat strange sometimes when I talk about “God” instead of “Jesus Christ”? By that I mean, isn’t the mere mention of “God” considered somewhat unacceptable in “christian” circles today? The only time it is perfectly acceptable to talk about God as an Individual with Whom you must concern yourself is when you are talking about God in the abstract or in the trite statement “God loves you.” That’s because Satan has taken the characteristics of Jesus Christ, including the love Jesus Christ, as a man, had for sinners, and attributed them to God. He has done that because He wants to portray God as a patsy, as Someone you can walk all over and never have to worry about retaliation.

Satan knows you will never respond to God honestly until you are confronted with the Truth concerning Who He actually is. Therefore I suggest you take a look at the description of God you find in the Hebrew Scriptures, keeping in mind the fact that God never changes. The Truth is, God is a jealous, vengeful God Who quite often becomes angry with those who fail to respond appropriately to His overtures of peace.

Contrary to the lie that Satan would have you believe, God the Father is not subject to The Law of Moses—as Jesus Christ the Son was before His death on the cross. Therefore, to attribute all the characteristics of Jesus Christ to God is folly of the first order. God hates His enemies and loves His friends. If you choose to remain an enemy of God because of your belief in Satan’s lie, you alone are to blame for that sad circumstance. Nevertheless, I am sure unregenerate morons and others whom Satan has duped will continue to argue Satan’s case in favor of the lie that “God loves you,” never realizing that, when they read the following verses, they are reading someone else’s mail:

The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
(1 John 4:8)
And we have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
(1 John 4:16)

Newsletter Details

Digital Copy Free
Hard Copy $1.50
Author Larry Dee Harper
Pages 60
Publisher The Elijah Project
Released 2012
Language English

The Truth is Available

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