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The Advent of Christ and AntiChrist

Learn the Truth concerning the Antichrist and the great delusion coming for those who don’t have insight.

The Advent of Christ and AntiChrist ($20.00)

This book contains everything the Early Church Fathers Irenæus and Hippolytus wrote about the Antichrist. First published in 1992, it was not released for public distribution until April 2005 because it was considered too controversial. It reveals that the popular Left Behind series is part of Satan’s plan to delude the world into believing his appearance as the Antichrist is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.



Excerpt from Book

As also the Apostle taught, saying, “minding not high things, but consenting to things of low estate;”47 that we should neither be ensnared with riches, nor mundane glory, nor present fancy, but should know that we must “worship the Lord thy God, and serve Him alone,” and give no heed to him who falsely promised things not his own, when he said, “All these will I give thee, if, falling down, thou wilt worship me.”48 For he himself confesses that to adore him, and to do his will, is to fall from the glory of God. And in what thing either pleasant or good can that man who has fallen participate? Or what else can such a person hope for or expect, except death?49 For death is next neighbour to him who has fallen. Hence also it follows that he will not give what he has promised. For how can he make grants to him who has fallen? Moreover, since God rules over men and him too, and without the will of our Father in heaven not even a sparrow falls to the ground,50 it follows that his declaration, “All these things are delivered unto me, and to whomsoever I will I give them,” proceeds from him when puffed up with pride. For the creation is not subjected to his power,51 since indeed he is himself but one among created things.

Irenæus: Against Heresies (V, 19–36), pp. 44–45

47Romans 12:16.

48Isn’t it intriguing how much Satan wants to be worshiped as God? His best opportunity is yet to come. Yet Pretenders already worship him. The God of Wrath is certainly not the god they worship. So how many do you think will hear the Master say, “I never knew you”? (Matt. 7:23)

49Pay close attention. Irenæus is talking about those who assume they can please God by walking in a “path” illuminated by nothing more than their own idea as to what it means to serve God. There is no greater lie than Satan’s contradiction of the words of Jesus. It goes something like this: “He’s so heavenly minded, he’s no earthly good.” You’ve heard that one, haven’t you? Yet Jesus said the person who seeks to save his life will lose it, and the one who seeks to give it up will gain it back again (Mark 8:34–36). Pretenders will do the first while claiming to do the second. That’s why they are “pretenders.”

50Matthew 10:29.

51Satan would have you believe otherwise, but his only power is in “the air,” as in “the prince of the power of the air,” (Eph. 2:2) and also as in “hot air.” His power consists solely in deception; and he maintains control over this Creation through his deception of humanity. That’s why his “kingdom” is called the “domain (authority) of darkness” (Col. 1:13). If you overcome Satan’s deception by coming to “The Light”—that is, by believing The Teaching concerning the Old Testament Gospel of Jesus Christ—what control does Satan have over you? Absolutely none. That is why Jesus said, “The truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

Larry Dee Harper, The Advent of Christ and AntiChrist, pp.44–45

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $20.00
Author Larry Dee Harper
Pages 261
Publisher The Elijah Project
Released August 2005
Edition Second edition
Language English

The Truth is Available

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